In the sprawling metropolis of Hawkings, an eerie blend of rebellion and mythical enchantment unfolds. Not just the rebels, but the enigmatic presence of the “baby fire” casts an incendiary glow, tracing a path of fire throughout the city’s veins. Within this chaotic tapestry, murmurs abound about John Doe, the […]
In a dramatic turn of events, Nakamigos has realigned its strategy in light of significant community feedback. The team behind Nakamigos is now gearing up to release its anticipated Nakamigos Cloaks NFTs, and they’re sweetening the deal for their dedicated base. Early Access Mint: This will kick off on 9/21/23, […]
Event Recap: Machine Hallucinations — Burned — NYC by Refik Anadol Event Duration: Sep 14, 2:00 PM – Sep 18, 1:59 AM CDT The Vision Behind the Art: The mesmerizing creation, an opus of the revered Refik Anadol, was commissioned to perfection by ARTECHOUSE. “Machine Hallucination: NYC” wasn’t just an […]
The NFT community is buzzing with anticipation as Machi’s audacious Apecoin proposal, which has been shrouded in drama for months, is finally reaching the voting stage today. The proposal, if accepted, could redefine the way we look at NFTs, bringing them out of digital wallets and into tangible, physical spaces […]
Learn about the Drops, The Artists, and the future of NFT Art on our Weekly Podcast
Crypto Art is a new and emerging art form. It uses cutting edge technology to create a visually stunning piece of art. Crypto Art is the perfect blend of art, technology, and cryptocurrency. Blockchain has taken the tech world by storm and is being used for a variety of purposes. In the art world, it’s being used to register artwork with a unique ID that cannot be changed. Artist and art collectors make their work available to the public and have it authenticated by third parties. The blockchain can support this process in a way that is cheaper, faster, and more secure than current methods.
The latest trends allow artists to control their output and make sure they have a piece of the pie in perpituity.
Crypto Art is the art world’s new frontier, and it’s here to stay. Crypto Art is art that has been created or collected through cryptocurrencies. You can purchase crypto art with Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin and other digital currencies. Blockchain, the technology that supports cryptocurrencies like bitcoin, is becoming more and more popular. It’s a ledger of all transactions done on its network that can be seen by anyone in the world. The blockchain is a digital ledger of all Bitcoin transactions that is distributed across a peer-to-peer network.
We are launching the NFT Culture podcast that highlights the latest trends around NFT Art. Subscribe below to be notified when the podcast goes live.