A Leap into Anime with a Decentralized Twist In a striking collaboration with Dentsu Inc., the powerhouse behind much of Japan’s anime entertainment, Azuki premiered the first episode of its three-part anime anthology series titled ‘Enter the Garden.’ The series kicks off with ‘The Waiting Man,’ directed by the accomplished […]
Yuga Labs has marked the third anniversary of the Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) by launching a series of high-quality 3D avatars, introducing a new dimension to their already iconic collection. This release not only enhances the visual appeal of the Apes but also expands their utility across various digital […]
Reinventing Moonbirds: A New Vision Takes Flight Moonbirds, a prominent player in the NFT space, is embarking on an exciting transformation that promises to redefine the boundaries of digital art and virtual interaction. This transformation is led by Colin Hesterly, an award-winning artist and director known for his work on […]
A Flashback to RedBeanDAO’s Remarkable Flip Just over a year ago, the NFT landscape witnessed one of its most strategic flips by RedBeanDAO, a team of digital collectors and enthusiasts. RedBeanDAO made headlines when they acquired one of the rarest NFTs from the Azuki collection and later flipped it for […]
Learn about the Drops, The Artists, and the future of NFT Art on our Weekly Podcast
Crypto Art is a new and emerging art form. It uses cutting edge technology to create a visually stunning piece of art. Crypto Art is the perfect blend of art, technology, and cryptocurrency. Blockchain has taken the tech world by storm and is being used for a variety of purposes. In the art world, it’s being used to register artwork with a unique ID that cannot be changed. Artist and art collectors make their work available to the public and have it authenticated by third parties. The blockchain can support this process in a way that is cheaper, faster, and more secure than current methods.
The latest trends allow artists to control their output and make sure they have a piece of the pie in perpituity.
Crypto Art is the art world’s new frontier, and it’s here to stay. Crypto Art is art that has been created or collected through cryptocurrencies. You can purchase crypto art with Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin and other digital currencies. Blockchain, the technology that supports cryptocurrencies like bitcoin, is becoming more and more popular. It’s a ledger of all transactions done on its network that can be seen by anyone in the world. The blockchain is a digital ledger of all Bitcoin transactions that is distributed across a peer-to-peer network.
We are launching the NFT Culture podcast that highlights the latest trends around NFT Art. Subscribe below to be notified when the podcast goes live.