Smart Contracts 101 – How to Audit an NFT Project

Welcome to NFT Culture Smart Contracts 101. In this episode, NiftyMike goes over how to find the smart contract associated with an OpenSea NFT Project, what the EtherScan contract tab contains, and how to review the Read functions, Write functions and Source Code of a NFT Smart Contract.

Interesting Read functions include:
Checking max number of tokens
Checking current number of tokens minted
Checking the token url, in order to pull the token’s metadata directly

Interesting Write functions include:
Whether the contract’s minting function can be turned on and off.
Whether max supply is editable.
Whether the base uri for the tokens is editable.

Interesting areas to watch out for during code review:
Does the contract reference other contracts?
Does the constructor control max supply, or is it passed in via a function.
Is the minting function bug free?
Is there a bulk mint function, and is it bug free?
Are there any creator minting privileges?

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