NFT Culture 1/6/22: Morning Coffee. Castlevania #NFTs, Pixelglyphs, Oxya Origin and Samura Saga

Konami, the brand behind the famous games of our childhood is releasing Castlevania NFT’s to commemorate the 35th anniversary of the famous franchise. Starting January 12th, select NFTs will be released as auctions on the OpenSea platform.

Oxya Origin is a vast ecosystem with innovative utilities, community building mechanisms and epic adventures for our players. It is built around talented artists, game developers, experienced entrepreneurs and a stuffed marketing team.

Players are represented in a collection of 7898 unique Oxyans NFT from 3 Planets, divided into 9 unique Tribes.

For 145 years, the Samurai have waited.
Watching the world from afar, they knew that the way of the warrior would be needed again.

That time is now.

But fighting evil these days requires a bit more tech so the Ronin have made a few upgrades; transforming their traditional tosei gusoko and katana into weapons worthy of a noble Cyborg Samurai warrior.

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