Maalavidaaa x NFT Culture Artist Interview

Maalavidaa is Alycia Rainaud, a french Graphic Designer and Digital Artist based in Montréal, Canada.

She graduated in June 2018 with a Master Degree in Graphic Design as well as a thesis dealing with the analogy between Book’s shaping and Psychology. In the meantime, she created Maalavidaa in 2016 as both a persona and an artistic mindset.

Inspired by Jungian therapy, color therapy and meditation, her work explores life’s complexity and the feelings that arise from that reality through daily abstractions. Think of it as a tool for self-expression as well as a path to increase emotional intelligence and mental health sensitivity.

Alycia started working as an independent creative director in January 2019 while mainly focusing on putting together editorial design, mental processes and visual experiments through a highly saturated yet dark aesthetic.

After entering the NFT space at the beginning of 2021, she founed Heal The Deal, Crypto’s first ever emotional support club as a safe space in the Metaverse driven by a creative, inclusive and caring community.

Alongside her print-oriented background, Alycia is also experienced with branding, motion design, programming, UI/UX, textile design, laser cutting, 3D printing, offset/screen-printing, and cultural mediation.

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