Jack is an artist. He hails from New Jersey, currently resides in Brooklyn, and has real talent. Not only in translating his thoughts to reality, but in communicating his feelings and experiences. His work takes many different forms, large format acrylic on canvas, digital pop art. Some work may feel whimsical, while others more serious and thoughtful. This is what drew me to his work. 


Jack comes from a family of artists. He has always been an artist himself but found a career in medicine may be more stable, so he set off to study dentistry. Feeling the yearning for art during this process, he pivoted and began a career in product and graphic design. 3 years ago, he dove back into physical art, and began scanning his work to be made available on opensea and foundation.


In much of Jack’s work, layers are revealed. The subjects appear with their face torn, almost ripped from the canvas, Jack, as a sufferer of facial tics in his younger years, uses his medium to represent masking, and the spectrum of time. Each work tells a story of the multiple versions of self we may live through our lives. The subjects are often pop culture icons represented throughout time, and you can feel the intensity and emotion in each one. 


In his next collection, we see something different, lighter. It is a collection of 999 hand drawn pop art works called Bored Warhol Factory. For this project, he aimed to test his digital skills, and will also be utilizing a percentage of his proceeds to purchase 1/1 works from artists in the nft community. 


Check out our Q&A below to learn more about Jack and his work. 




Jack Florczyk


Tell me a bit about yourself.

I am a contemporary artist and I create artwork that explores themes of identity, it’s relationship with time, and all the different perspectives that exist among us as people.


Working primarily with acrylic paint I describe my work as figurative expressionism. While my background is in painting, I do also consider myself an NFT artist, as a considerable amount of my time these days is spent on making digitally native artwork.


Where are you from?

Born and raised in Teaneck, NJ and currently living and working out of Brooklyn, NY.


One thing you cannot live without?

Making art is such a spiritual process for me that when I’m deprived of that opportunity it can really start to have adverse effects on my life. It’s going to sound corny, but I cannot live without having the opportunity to be creative. If I go too long without working on something I start to get anxious, I don’t sleep well, and I can’t focus on normal day-to-day tasks. And, of course, coffee. 


Who are your favorite artists (Non NFT)?

There are so many people on this list, but I’ll start with the ones I feel have inspired me the most and have had the largest impact on my own artwork. Francis Bacon, Van Gogh, Basquiat, Nathanial Mary Quinn, Jenny Saville, Caravaggio, Picasso, George Condo, Kehinde Wiley, Jammie Holmes, Lucian Freud, and Andy Warhol.


Who is your favorite NFT artist?

I really appreciate the artists that have a clear understanding of the power that NFTs will hold in the future. Someone like Micah Johnson is a great example of this. Not only does he have an incredible vision, but his execution is flawless.


What made you pursue NFT art?

It’s important to adapt and evolve with the times as new innovative tools and technology enter our world. As a painter, the last thing I wanted to do was to sit back down behind a computer screen to make my artwork. But at a deeper level I understood the importance and value that NFTs were bringing to the world. I knew that the smart thing to do was not resist the change, but rather embrace the challenge. 


What is the one piece of NFT art you wish you had purchased but missed out on?

The Genesis.001 by Micah Johnson is one of the first NFT pieces that I really fell in love with. I wasn’t able to grab it when it dropped, but maybe one day I can pick it up on the secondary market. 


If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?

I really want to go to Italy. I eat Italian food on a regular basis so I could really use a taste of the real thing. Also, the Italian Renaissance was one of my favorite periods of art history, so I would be in heaven seeing all that art and exploring all the museums.

Links and such:


Link to Website:


Social links:


NFT marketplace links:


Links to Bored Warhol Factory:

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