The Regulars NFT Project

How did you come up with the ideas?

Back in April I set out to build a pfp collection. I wanted to make something procedural, with maximum variation and *no technical compromises*. Something 3d, that didn’t feel sterile like other 3d projects.. that felt rich and warm. I decided to use ‘regular people’ as inspiration and Botero paintings as visual reference. Boteros forms celebrated imperfection and used asymmetry to create personality. 

I estimated this would take about 3 weeks, and 5 months later, the final renders were complete. On my 18-core Mac Pro, renders would have taken 90 days running 24×7—we used a render farm instead. I assembled a team of about 15 people—digital sculptors, grooming specialists (one who did the fur in HBO’s Dr. Doolittle), my makeup obsessed employee  who hand painted Euphoria-style makeup on each head, and a handful of incredible 3d artists. In Sept, we build the contracts with a dev that has a Phd in distributed systems, works for OpenZepplin full-time and created a mechanism that he thinks is “a serious contribution to the nft community”. Finally, I designed and built out the front end, tried to get a discord humming, and prepared to mint.

So I’d like to introduce you to The Regulars. We did an initial presale and pushed out the launch because of gas costs. I hope you like the project and if anyone has any questions about the process and learnings, I’m happy to discuss.    


What Makes this project unique?

Our artwork and the amount of love that we put into making the images so they are rich and warm, with stories and personalities. 

And what is upcoming is a platform that the community can use to unleash their creativity, and reap some Eth for that.         

How Big is the team and what are their roles?

The entire art team was around 10 people.. I work in post-production, so am accustomed to working with contractors and already have a pretty good network. The primary roles for the art were 3d sculptor, groomers for the hair, Houdini artists, and my friend did an incredible job hand painting makeup and the clowns 🙂 

Right now, I have a development team of 4, my 3d engineer and a couple more on standby for the next phase. Our development team are total aces.       


What is the price?

.05 Eth


Why is that price fair?

I think the price is on the less expensive side compared to other project like this, especially considering what went into the artwork.

We had planned a bit higher but lowered because of how crazy gas prices were.           


What is the Mint Size?


Are there any mechanics we should know about?

Yes, we are building Regular Companies. Any Regulars can join Regular companies, and get paid in erc20 tokens. The companies will produce NFTs. We are very excited about it.

We are also planning on adding ‘formalwear’ to the regulars. Tuxedo’s and dresses that can be turned on / off. 

Also physically bound Regular yearbooks as merch.

Other notes

Overall I tend to think that the Regulars pop off the page on Opensea. We worked really hard on making this art as good as it can possibly be. And now we are building an ecosystem to bring our community together over common creative goals with the Regular Comanies and the company NFT production. It’s super exciting.      





Website: (minting happens here) 


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