Rowdy Rooster Collective NFT Project

It’s been decades since world governments first heard of impending alien attacks. While humanity is tightening their defenses preparing for a fight, spectacular sightings of egg-shaped figures begin crash landing on earth.

How did they get here? Why are they here? More importantly what the cluck are they?

Join us on our eggs-citing animated journey with Rex Rowdy and the gang into the metaverse.

Ownership of a Rowdy Rooster NFT grants you access to our eggs-clusive community and the opportunity to be a part of this blockbuster.

The Rowdy Rooster Collective is a limited NFT collection of over 8,888 finely curated, fully customizable Roosters cluckin’ around on the Ethereum blockchain using the ERC-721 token standard. Each Rooster is programmatically generated from hundreds of possible attributes which results in the creation of one kick ass character that you control and have the chance to bring to life.

What is the projects launch date? 

The RRC Pre-Sale is set to take place January 15th with Public Minting available later that week.

How did you come up with the idea for this project? 

The project was inspired by the Alpha Team’s love for art, tech, animation, the power of a collective and the ability to tie web 3.0 into the real world. The founding team being collectors themselves allowed for ideas that they felt were missing NFT utilities. As the metaverse is increasingly getting more prevalent in our daily lives, the team truly wanted to develop a project that is heavily focused on the community where everyone can collaborate, hangout and bring the best ideas to life.

What Makes this project unique?

The Rowdy Rooster Collective is excited to announce that as a part of their roadmap, they will be creating a full-length animated pilot episode that will be presented to the major streaming platforms.

RRC NFT holders will be able to name their Rowdy Roosters and bring their characters to life through voice over auditions that will take place after the project is 100% sold out. The Coop will be opening up a marketplace where holders can purchase items to fully customize their Rowdy Roosters to their liking and get ready for audition day. If your Rooster makes the cut, the RRC animation team will be writing your characters into our pilot episode and the community will have the chance to get creative and bring their NFT to life.

How Big is the team and what are their roles? 

The Alpha team consists of 6 like-minded talented individuals that bring their creative, development, project management, cryptocurrency and marketing skills together.


What is the price? 

White list members will have the opportunity to mint on Pre-Sale day for .07 Eth with an exclusive item for their Roosters only available to them.

All Rowdy Roosters sold during the Public Sale will be available for purchase at .08 Eth.

Why is that price fair?

The team felt that this sale price was the sweet spot for a project of this calibur because it allows entry to our community for less than a lot of the projects minting today. Funds made through sales will be reinvested into the project to ensure the roadmap is met with top quality production, technology, live events all with the ability to grow as the market inevitably changes.

What is the Mint Size? 

The total supply of Rowdy Roosters in the Coop will be 8,888

Are there any mechanics we should know about? 

Once a user purchases an “Egg”, they will wait 3 days for it to hatch into a “Rowdy Rooster”. In the coop, users will be able to view their currently owned Roosters in an orderly and viewable fashion.
On the initial hatch of a brand new Rooster, random attributes will be attached based on rarity specifically selected by the Alpha Team.

Users will then be able to edit individual Roosters and buy new items that will be attached to that NFT permanently. These items will become part of your Roosters inventory or backpack and innately increase the value of that NFT. Some items, for example, background colors and species type will be only random and will not be editable. (a few items within the collection will apply too)

An interesting part of this feature the team is offering, is the programmed formula of calculating rarity. The rarity is calculated by the amount of a specific item that is currently in circulation on current Roosters at that time. Prices of items will be reflected based on the rarity.

Trends will be started and Roosters will be changing their appearances as we introduce new items
To the Coop.

Does the Rowdy Rooster Collective plan to collaborate with other NFT projects or real world brands in the future?

The RRC marketplace lends itself the perfect opportunity for other brands to collaborate and enter the metaverse through custom clothing and one of a kind items. The possibilities are endless and the team plans to explore all opportunities.

Links to discord, social, etc. 
