itsNFT: Virtual Conference for Investing and Trading NFTs. June 1, 2022

As part of Web3 Week, a week-long event series focusing on different areas within Web 3. Blockchains and decentralized applications give us a new chance at realizing the true potential of the internet, Ninjalerts is headlining the itsNFT virtual conference for NFT Traders.

Register Here

Events are chain agnostic, creator and artist-first, and will primarily focus on NFTs, the Metaverse, and Music. Register once to join all of the sessions and look out for special programming for NFT holders.

Art before ads, giving over gatekeepers, value exchange versus extraction. #Web3Week

The Investing and Trading Summit for NFTs. A free 1-day virtual conference and exhibition to welcome new investors and traders.

itsNFT Speakers

Event Details

Web 3 Week will be held on Hopin, a virtual event platform. It will also be streamed via YouTube. Look out for sessions with extra requirements, such as owning a specific NFT for access. These breakout events may happen in Discord, other hidden places, and maybe even IRL ;).


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