Introducing: Nifty Gateway Publishers 

A New Way to Earn a Living in Web3

With Publishers, Nifty Gateway has introduced a new way for people to earn a living in the Web3 world — by becoming curators.

A curator is someone who partners with artists to release NFTs. Since inception, Nifty Gateway has acted as a curator through the Nifty Gateway Curated Drops schedule, successfully curating drops with more than 400 artists who have earned over $500 million through Nifty Gateway.

Currently, the NFT space sorely lacks tools built specifically to empower curators. Instead, existing NFT minting tools are largely designed for creators to sell their NFTs directly to collectors. Nifty Gateway Publishers reimagines this dynamic.

We hear artists consistently say that without our in-house curators they wouldn’t be able to achieve the same level of success. At its core, NFT curation connects tastemakers with great art. Curation should be limited only by vision and the ability to identify talented artists. By opening up our platform to more curators, we believe that we will significantly increase the number of curators and artists who can earn a living by selling NFTs.

What is Happening to Curated and Verified Drops?

Nifty Gateway Curated Drops will continue as usual, becoming one publisher among many. There are more Curated Drops to come and we are excited to continue our investment in curating the best artists in the space.

While we further invest in Curated Drops, we will be retiring Verified Drops. Verified Drops were originally meant to help gather collections from across the NFT ecosystem, verified by our team for authenticity. With Publishers, we will instead further focus on drops that originate on Nifty Gateway.

Our Beta Partners

For our beta launch, we hand-selected over 50 curators who are established in the NFT community, have a proven track record of selling art and reaching new audiences that will grow the Nifty Gateway ecosystem. Over the next few months, we will have drops curated by The Mad Pups, Bryan Brinkman, AJ Vaynerchuk, Loser Club, Pablo Stanley, seedphrase, King of Midtown, ScrapTrades, and many more.

Looking Forward

Based on our research, we know that Publisher drops are an effective way to onboard new collectors. Up to 90% of Publisher drop collectors are first-time buyers and up to 70% of those buyers go on to collect additional NFTs on Nifty Gateway. We strongly believe new audiences will create new demand and all collections will benefit from it.

Over time, the product will be released to the general public, allowing anyone to become a publisher. If you are interested in being a Publisher, sign up here.

This is our biggest platform change to date and we are incredibly excited to see what people will do when they are empowered to use the curator-centric tools we have built.

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