The Carbon Drop – NFT x Open Earth Foundation

featuring Fvckrender, beeple, GMUNK, Sara Ludy, Refik Anadol, Kyle Gordon, and Mieke Marple

Tomorrow will be a big day for the NFT World. There are many opinions about the impact of cryptocurrency, NFTs and the environment. Regardless of your thoughts and beliefs, these auctions are an incredible opportunity to evangelize environmental issues and raise a ton of money to decrease our carbon footprint.  The goal of these auctions will result in offsetting the carbon footprint created by our excessive industry.  You can learn more about the NFT Culture view on NFTs sustainability and the environment here.

The Carbon Drop link here.


Bury (Reisinger Andrés)

ALIGNED// (Fvckrender)


Izanami (Kyle Gordon)

Fire Beach, 2014 (Sara Ludy)

Machine Hallucinations: Nature Dreams – Last Memory (Refik Anadol)

Two of Swords (Choices) (Mieke Marple)

OCEAN FRONT (beeple)

The Social Alpha Foundation is presenting a selection of the most talented NFT Artists in the world who will auction 8 unique carbon negative nifties inspired by Earth and the climate crisis. With support from RNDR, and hosted by Nifty Gateway, all proceeds will go to the Open Earth Foundation, a US-based research and deployment 501c3 nonprofit, raising funds to develop innovative open digital infrastructure for improved management of planet Earth —helping track transparently the global progress on the Paris Agreement to avoid the existential risk of climate change. This is a Carbon Net-Negative Auction An NFT Art auction inspired around climate change should not have a net impact on the climate. Thanks to a generous contribution from the RNDR network, each artist and artwork on this auction will receive around 60 carbon offsets — totaling 500 CO2e tons of proven and unique credits of emission reductions for the entire auctions. These offsets are NFTs themselves provided by which sources from the Verra voluntary carbon offset registry. Specifically, this event support the Madre de Dios forest conservation project in Perú. Each unique carbon offset is pegged to the unique artwork in order to compensate the underlying emissions from the NFT minting. Artists will further commit to offset their historical NFT footprint to create a net positive climate impact.

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