NFT Artist: MayWayfarer
I’ve been an artist since I was 5. From colour-pencils and pastels to watercolour on paper, from acrylic on canvas-wall-wood to oil on canvas, from tattoos, to digital art; I’ve hopped through different mediums and canvases to be able to manifest the storms (from inside me) outside in the world. Presently, my work revolves around existentialism, and bipolarity. I try to manifest the connection between ancient eastern (Indian) philosophies with the present-day Western Way of Life through my work.
Name (Display name)
Where are you from?
Mumbai, India (Currently based in Dehradun)
What is your favorite thing to do on a weekend?
Play Video Games, absorb cinema, drive, and sketch.
One thing you cannot live without?
My sketchbook. Ever since college I carry a notebook with me wherever I go and sketch, doodle around. It keeps my strokes sharp and helps me meditate. I’ve had stacks and stacks of these small books, full of doodles.
Who is your favorite artists (Non NFT)?
An Indian Artist, Bijay Sir really inspires me. I love his technique and the concepts he chooses to work on.
Who is your favorite NFT artist?
Tania Rivilis, I absolutely love the colours she chooses and the strokes she makes.
What made you pursue NFT art?
I realized the corporate designing I do (with the company I am the founder of) pays my bills but doesn’t satisfy my soul. My partner is a huge crypto enthusiast and has been persuading me to look into NFT for awhile. Back in April 2021, I finally got around to reading about it and couldn’t stop reading. It was euphoric, as if this was what I was looking for all my creative life. The freedom, the revolution, the future. I researched for a couple of months and dropped my first NFT in June. I haven’t been able to stop pursuing NFTs since.
What is the one piece of NFT art you wish you had purchased but missed out on?
This artwork by Meg Thorpe. I’d come across her work before she made it big, but couldn’t get around to purchasing the token back then.
The emotion it has really speaks to me. I can’t afford it anymore though.
I also wish I could afford one of the NFT Culture Tokens.
If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?
I’ve been wanting to travel to Tromsø, Norway since I first heard about Northern Lights in 6th Grade. Someday, I’ll make it there.
Links and such:
Link to Website:
Social links:
Instagram –
Discord – maywayfarer#3933
NFT marketplace links:
Opensea –
Foundation – (Coming Soon, Waiting for Gas fees to reduce)
Anything else you’d like to share?
NFT Culture for the Win!! WAGMI
I’m planning on working on this other collection for my well-wishers and the people who inspire me, with custom portraits of them.
I will be giving out custom portraits like these as freebies to my future collectors for upcoming collections too!
Here is the link to the collection of portraits I’m working on:
*If you are this artist or a representative of this artist or artwork and want anything added, changed, or removed please contact us and we will make any changes you request ASAP.