NFT Display Frame Review : MEURAL Frame
You spend money on beautiful art, you want to be able to display it. This is the first of a series of display reviews when selecting how and where you want to display you NFT art. As the NFT market matures, we believe there are going to be an incredible number of entrants into the space. This doesn’t solve the immediate challenges of NFT Art Review.
What is Meural?
Meural is an incredibly beautiful Digital Picture frame. The NETGEAR created line of products come in 3 sizes, The Meural 13.5″ by 7.5″ Frame, The 16″ x 24″ Canvas and the 19″x29″ Canvas. For this review we will be discussing the smallest frame. While it isnt the highest resolution display we’ve seen, the IPS panel is incredibly sharp. Featuring IPS anti-glare and TruArt technology for wide angle viewing, the display is outstanding for both static and animated NFT art.
Setting up the Display
Meural is a unique display for photos and NFTs. It connects to Apple and Android devices and you can select which images and videos you want to share. You can select photos and albums you want to share and sync it wirelessly within a few moments. They suggest that the setup is secure and private and we recommend users only give access to certain photos.
Does it work with NFTs?
Cons with NFT art.
The short answer is that this isn’t a great frame for NFTs, but that doesnt mean that any frame can do this succinctly today. The fact is that it isn’t easy to get the NFTs onto the frame, but when you do, the display is incredibly beautiful. If you’re more concerned about displaying something pretty than linking directly to the minted piece, you will be happy with with the display.
Overly-Complex to set up for animated NFTs
Static NFTs work seamlessly, you just download them into an album, share the album through the app and sync with the display. Apple famously has challenges with certain formats (especially around video). We found that while apple and Meural are .mp4 compatible. It is difficult to send incompatible .mp4 formats from Apple devices to to the Meural, making it more tedious and difficult than its worth to convert certain .mp4 into .mov format.
Orientation and Motion Control Issues
You can control your orientation of images and videos from the app, or let it decide automatically. It’s difficult for videos and orientation and often times, given the unique resolution of the Meural platform, certain video NFTs will just not even play as it wont’ select a good view. We had to edit videos and crop them to make them visually appealing within Meural.
Potential Security Issues
You have to upload your images and videos to their servers, which presents its own security challenges and risks, regardless if you’re uploading NFTs or personal art. The larger models, do have external storage that allows you to put your images directly on the device, but these concerns should be known ahead of time.
NFT Display Pros
The display is incredibly beautiful. When the NFT art is on the display, the art becomes the centerpiece of any room you’re in. If you are willing to go through the hoops to get your art onto the Meural and don’t mind paying the hefty price tag of $249.00 USD for the smallest size, this is a great addition to your office, living room, bedroom, or kitchen.
We will be reviewing other NFT Displays ASAP to provide additional insights and feedback
You can buy Meural on Amazon through our sponsored link: